The small group of thoughtful, committed citizens that anthropologist Margaret Mead credits with changing the world will be looking to shake-up the unjust world of education aid on Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm at Esther Street Park.
Members of Peekskill’s Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) are asking for signatures of Peekskill residents on letters to Governor Andrew Cuomo and state Assemblywoman Sandy Galef and state Senator Pete Harckham demanding the $11 million New York State owes the city school district for the current year.
The money, called Foundation Aid, was awarded to school districts through a formula to distribute state aid based on student need and close the spending gap between districts and create an equitable education system for all students. New York is 49th in the nation in equity in education spending according to the Alliance for Quality Education.
The award is the result of a lawsuit a group of parents filed in 1993 against New York State saying students’ constitutional rights to ‘sound and basic education’ were violated when districts didn’t have the proper resources to provide an adequate education. After court challenges through the next 14 years, schools were ordered to receive a $5.5 billion increase in basic operating aid over the course of a four-year phase in from 2007 to 2011. But that hasn’t happened consistently due to state budget shortfalls and maneuvering from governors Pataki, Spitzer, Patterson and Cuomo on how to use money earmarked for education to close those budget shortfalls. Since 2007, Peekskill’s cumulative loss in Foundation Aid is $79.9 million.
Nell Marantz, a member of the PTO, said she’ll be working the table along with other parents who are taking shifts explaining to the public how Peekskill’s future depends on equitable funding for public schools. Compared to surrounding suburban school districts, Peekskill needs to do more with less. There have been 500 new students enrolled in the past 6 years in Peekskill and 300 new English Language Learners in the past three years. Peekskill has a significantly high number of students eligible for free and reduced lunch along with a significantly high percentage of English Language Learners and a high percentage of students with special needs.
With restored Foundation Aid districts like Peekskill can fully fund full-time preschool for all eligible children and provide additional revenue for the increased English Language Learners population.
“The quality of a child’s education should not be a function of where that child resides” concluded a report on the Inequality in NY School Funding from the Alliance for Quality Education.
Peekskill PTO to deadbeat NY State: Pay Up
March 25, 2021
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About the Contributor

Regina Clarkin, Editor and Publisher
When the Peekskill Herald weekly newspaper ceased publishing in August 2000 it was the first time in the history of the city that there wasn’t a local newspaper. The award-winning weekly was often referred to as the ‘glue’ of the community. Founded on January 9, 1986 by Regina Clarkin, Kathy Daley and Rich Zahradnik with a $7,000 credit card line, the paper filled the void created when the daily Evening Star was sold to Gannett and moved out of town.
Founding publisher Regina Clarkin continued to live in the Peekskill Cortlandt area and turned her attention to other life endeavors. Through the ensuing 19 years, Clarkin was frequently stopped in town and asked when she would start up the Herald again.
In January 2019, Clarkin decided it was less labor intensive to deliver a weekly blog than a print newspaper so she began posting one story a week about life in Peekskill. After a successful crowd funding campaign in 2020, the Herald was incorporated as a non-profit corporation in July of 2021. Peekskill Herald is a digital relative of the former print edition, featuring many of the favorite aspects of the beloved Peekskill Herald such as old pictures, personality profiles and well written stories about newsworthy events.
Regina Clarkin is the editor and publisher of the site.
Photo by Joe Squillante