The labor and time intensive process of making maple syrup is illustrated every Saturday in February at the sugar shack in Depew Park.
For the past four years, John Neering has been running workshops showing children and adults how we get syrup from maple trees.

“I drilled the trees last week and put in the taps and buckets. This time of year is good as sap runs when night time temps are below freezing and daytime temps are above,” said Neering who is a science teacher in New York City.
“It takes 40 gallons of sap to make 1 gallon of syrup. It takes about 20 hours to boil 40 gallons with constant heat. We get about a gallon of syrup over the course of the month depending on the season,” explained Neering.
“I give it to those who help me with the process and use some at home. There would never be enough to sell if we wanted to. Those who come to the classes get to sample the sap and the final product,” he said.

Register at the City of Peekskill Parks and Recreation office for the 9-10:30 session or the 11-12:30 session. Fee is $6 per person, ages 3 and up. All children ages 10 and younger must be accompanied by an adult. Call the Recreation office to register at 914-734-7275.