There was a celebration at Chapel Hill’s Roma Orchard neighborhood on September 20 for The Meadow Project that began last year. In May of 2023, the idea of a pilot project aimed at planting a small pollinator garden on the Orchards meadow was shared at an open meeting of residents. The goal of the project was to restore the meadow which has been subjected to toxic herbicides.
About 30 residents volunteered to work on nurturing the meadow, restricting plantings to native species and making it hospitable for pollinators. On May 13 the group prepared the ground and five days later they planted and fenced in the garden. A year later the piece of land is home to butterflies and bumblebees.
County experts in areas such as horticulture and environmental conservation volunteered their time, shared their wisdom and participated in hands-on work in support of the community effort.
Tending the meadow continues to foster community engagement and collaboration. Phase two has been approved and the group will start planting in two areas just outside the fenced-in garden.