First Responders Share Their Gratitude
Jake Polay, 18, Peekskill Volunteer Ambulance Corps “I’m grateful that I got my EMT card, finished my schooling and got cleared to transport patients on my own.”
Evan Patterson, sergeant, Peekskill Police Department “I’m thankful for the health of my supportive and brilliant wife and our two children and my family here in the department.”
Daniel Langworthy, left, and Dominic Perruccio Peekskill Volunteer Firefighters. Langsworthy said he was grateful for the support of his brothers in the fire department through a difficult year and Perruccio said he was grateful to serve people when they were having their worst day.
Brendan Pogue of Peekskill Volunteer Ambulance Corps “I’m grateful for less COVID cases.”
Gio Nunez, left, and Dan Ferris, Peekskill Career Firefighters. “I’m grateful to be the first Hispanic firefighter in the city,” said Nunez and “I’m grateful for my new 6-week old puppy and that bitcoin was at an all time high this year,” said Ferris
Jamie Acevedo, 23, Peekskill Volunteer firefighter, left, “I’m grateful to see people outside more.” Diana Castillo, 26. “I’m grateful to have joined the volunteer fire department in March.”
Some of our police, volunteer firefighters, career firefighters and ambulance corps members tell us what they’re grateful for this Thanksgiving.
Gene Finnigan, left, Career Firefighter. “I’m grateful my family stayed together and supported each other throughout the year.” Kevin Ferris. “I am thankful for the health and happiness of my family and my brother firefighters.”
Michael McKenzie, left, Career Firefighter. “I’m grateful to have a job and for the health of my wife and 2 1/2 year old twins.” Sean McCollum, “I’m grateful that my family is happy and healthy and for the good friendships I have.” Jim Howard, “I’m grateful that I’m in my 20th year as a career firefighter.”
Dan Wysocki, Peekskill Volunteer Ambulance Corps “I’m grateful to spend time with my wife and I’m glad she got into nursing school.”
Frank Muscente, Peekskill Police Department “My family is who I’m the most grateful for, my 1-year-old daughter and 3-year-old son and my beautiful, supportive wife.
Thomas Walker, left, Peekskill Volunteer FireFighter. “I’m grateful I’m here. I joined in 2007 after I retired.” Chief John Kelly “I’m grateful for all of the volunteers who step up during difficult times and demonstrate a commitment to the city. I’m also grateful to be spending more time with my kids who I didn’t see a lot last year because they all work in the medical field.” John Pappas “I’m grateful we made it though this year without anybody in the fire department getting seriously ill from Covid.”
Adam Renwick, Peekskill Police Department “My daughter was born last December and my son is turning 3 in February. They are the focus of my life and I’m very grateful for my supportive, wonderful wife.”
Heather Fries, Peekskill Police Department “I’m grateful for my close knit family, my very supportive boyfriend and my whole pack of animals (2 dogs and 2 cats).”
Kevin Stewart, Peekskill Police Department “I recently celebrated my birthday at a Friendsgiving and I told my friends: I always believed in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I said I was grateful to pursue coming to this country. There’s a saying in Jamaica, ‘once you have happiness, you have everything.'”
O. Olasokan Peekskill Police Department. “I’m grateful for my immediate family and for my extended family which is the Peekskill Police Department.”
Chief Leo Dylewski, Peekskill Police Department. “I’m grateful for my health, my family and the opportunity to give back to this community which has given me so much. I met my wife here in Peekskill. I got a college education while here. I’ve moved up through the ranks.”
Michael Nolte, Peekskill Police Department “I’m grateful for my wife and our first child she’s carrying who is due in February.”
Nicholas Kikis, Peekskill Police Department “This is my first month on the job, coming from the Mt.Vernon department, and I’m grateful to be here.”
By Regina Clarkin
November 25, 2021
For our annual Thanksgiving feature, we decided to ask those people who are known as “First Responders” to tell us what they are grateful for from this past year. When we are helped by police, fire or ambulance personnel, we are often vulnerable or hurt and not in a position to get to know them as they go about their commitment to aiding us. Then they move onto the next call – and frequently we don’t even know their names.
This photo essay was captured last Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Some were coming off an overnight shift, others had just completed answering a call – but all of them were eager to share what they were grateful for. We as a community are blessed to benefit from their dedication and service.