“The Peekskill Yacht Club has been running semi-annual blood drives since 2021,” said Peekskill Yacht Club member and blood drive coordinator Chuck Newman. “That year was the height of the pandemic and there were many blood bank shortages. Driven by that, the Yacht Club members reached out to the American Red Cross and put together a blood drive.”
On Friday, March 28, from noon–5 p.m. the Peekskill Yacht Club, located at 1 Travis Point on Peekskill’s waterfront and the American Red Cross are holding a semi-annual blood drive. The goal is to help fill the Blood Bank of Westchester County. Donating blood is easy to do and can help save lives.
March is #RedCrossMonth. If you give blood in March, the Red Cross will perform free A1C testing, commonly used to screen for prediabetes & diabetes. Fasting is not necessary. Just eat a nutritious meal and stay hydrated prior to giving blood. To schedule an appointment, visit RedCrossBlood.org. Type in 10566, click Find a Drive, click Peekskill Yacht Club and schedule your time. It’s as simple as that.
Why donate blood? Simply put, blood transfusions help save lives—and a constant supply of fresh blood is always needed. There is no substitute or synthetic form of blood, so it must come from a willing donor.
“Every few seconds, somewhere in the United States, someone requires a pint of blood,” according to the American Red Cross. “More than 40,000 pints of blood are used each day.” As a result, blood donors are always in demand, for they provide the only supply of life-saving blood for those in need. Donating is simple, fast, and convenient. The donation process can take as little as 45 minutes, but can make a lifelong difference for someone. Whether this is your first time or your 20th time donating blood, visit the Red Cross eligibility requirements page for more eligibility information and “What to Do Before, During and After Your Donation” which can help ease the fears and/or help guide you to prepare for your blood donation.
Peekskill Yacht Club
Peekskill Yacht Club (PYC) has been part of the Peekskill Community since its founding in 1908. It is one of the oldest boat clubs on the Hudson and, like many of the other clubs on the river, it is a working club, which means members work together to maintain the docks, floats, harbor, clubhouse and more.
PYC always looks for ways to contribute to the community and support local organizations. Over the years, it has contributed to the Peekskill Police Department, the Garden Club of Peekskill, the St. Patrick’s Parade Committee, the annual Peekskill Turkey Trot, and many others.
In addition to hosting the American Red Cross semi-annually, it supports the Sea Scouts, bringing kids from the Peekskill summer camps on boat rides; provides boating and Hudson River education for the community; and hosts historical presentations throughout the year.
The Yacht Club is open to those who want to be part of the Hudson River boating community. For more information, go to peekskillyachtclub.com and follow its Facebook page.
Don’t forget to share this article and let the Peekskill Yacht Club and the Red Cross know you read about it in the Peekskill Herald.
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