In Laura’s (Guatemala) mind, the thought of pulling her children out of school lingers constantly. The woman, a resident of Peekskill, feels that classrooms have ceased to be a safe place for her family following President Donald Trump’s recent announcements regarding mass deportations of undocumented migrants. Churches, hospitals, schools, and other sensitive zones could potentially be targeted by immigration agents.
Laura, who arrived in the United States seven years ago, is terrified. She has heard from acquaintances that Peekskill Elementary Schools are taking steps to address the situation. “They say we have to fill out a form with emergency contacts authorizing someone other than the parents to pick up the children from school if something happens,” she explains.
The mother of three children, ranging from second to fifth grade, has not yet received the form. However, she is already facing the difficult decision of whom to list as an emergency contact. Once completed, the document must be notarized.
Her sister-in-law, who is also undocumented, had been her go-to contact in recent years but will no longer fill that role. “She’s afraid they could trace her through the form and deport her. She doesn’t want to take the risk, and in a way, I understand her. We’re all scared,” she said.
Although the document assigning someone to pick up a child in case the parents or guardians are unavailable is part of the regular enrollment process, in the current context, it has become “a red flag,” especially now that its notarization is required. “We’re paranoid. We live in constant suspense about what might happen,” she added.
No Guarantees
Last week, Peekskill Mayor Vivian McKenzie addressed the situation and explained that local police would not cooperate with immigration authorities (ICE).
Although this might sound “encouraging” to migrants, it offers no reassurance to Elizabeth (El Salvador), a mother of two children, ages seven and nine, and a resident of the city since 2019. She arrived in the United States just over a decade ago with the same goal as many migrants: “a more dignified life.”
Her children, who are U.S. citizens, continue attending school. “Of course, I’m afraid of being arrested and deported, but I’m even more afraid that they won’t study and have a better future,” she emphasized.
Elizabeth has also not received the form that must be notarized but has already taken steps to prepare. “I asked my boss, who is a legal resident, if I could use her contact in case of an emergency. It used to be my sister, but she’s undocumented like me. I don’t want to put her in trouble,” she said.
For now, Elizabeth has decided to stay away from social media, as she feels overwhelmed by the constant news of raids, deportations, and arrests.
“I’ll keep working as I always have—staying out of trouble and praying to God to protect me and my family until one day I can be free in this country that has given us so much.”
A Flood of Cases
Attorney Damaris Montero, an advocate for the Latino community, explains that the fear among migrants is widespread. Since Trump took office, calls for legal assistance related to deportations have tripled. “I currently have appointments available in July. People are genuinely scared, especially those with children. The most important thing in these cases is not to spread misinformation, and if someone is detained by immigration agents, they have the right to remain silent and contact an attorney,” she explained.
Montero views the school measure as a way to safeguard children’s well-being. School authorities cannot intervene in ICE actions, but they are obligated to ensure that children remain in safe hands while their parents’ situation is resolved.