Peekskill Herald

Peekskill Herald

Peekskill Herald

Playing of Taps and reading of war dead at Monument Park

Young members of the Peekskill community honoring those who gave their lives for American freedom. (Photo by Jim Roberts)

Under leaden gray skies, Peekskill residents and officials paid tribute to the memory of those who gave their lives in service of the United States at a ceremony Monday morning at Monument Park.

Peekskill Police Department Honor Guard (Photo by Jim Roberts)


The high school band, under the direction of John Hahn who is retiring this year, performed and Girl Scouts from various troops participated. There was an honor guard of Peekskill police officers and speeches by politicians who acknowledged the ultimate sacrifice of lives for the freedoms we enjoy today. Deputy Mayor Patricia Riley urged parents and educators to teach their children the importance of remembering and honoring the sacrifice of Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve American freedom.

Peekskill High School Band under the direction of John Hahn (Photo by Jim Roberts)
The names of those who gave their lives were read. (Photo by Jim Roberts)

Veterans from the various conflicts the United States has participated in were present.  Joe Brady played Amazing Grace on the bagpipes. Below are the names of the war dead from the Civil War through the Vietnam War, read by various members of the community, organized by Tim Warn.

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  • Peekskill’s Civil War Dead

  • Peekskill’s Spanish American War to Vietnam Dead

  • Peekskill’s World War II Dead

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About the Contributor
Jim Roberts
Jim Roberts has been in this business for more than 35 years (hard to believe) and still learning every day. A third-generation Peekskill resident, he started as a lowly researcher at the Westchester Business Journal in 1986 and learned how to be a reporter from many veterans in the field. He’s worked in private companies, Connecticut state government and wrote for the Co-op City Times for 10 years before retiring from full-time work in 2019. Roberts wants to contribute to building the Herald into a news website for residents who care about what’s happening in Peekskill.