The recent spate of scandals ensnaring Peekskill demonstrates a unifying theme: some of the city’s leaders do not respect residents, policy, or even the law.
Peekskill City Court Judge Reginald Johnson, reappointed ten months ago as the city’s full-time judge by a Democratic Common Council, resigned on Sept. 30 following a probe from the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct for ticket-fixing and other charges, including verbal abuse. In the judicial report, several prominent community members, including Councilman Ramon Fernandez and School Superintendent Dr. David Mauricio, acknowledged the judge dismissed traffic tickets because of their personal relationship with Johnson. In response, Mayor Vivian McKenzie called (only) for Fernandez’s resignation, before an ethics investigation was conducted,
In a separate incident, Councilman Rob Scott faces up to four years in state prison for charges of election fraud. He is alleged to have forged 217 ballot petition signatures in an attempt to challenge County Legislator Colin Smith in last year’s Democratic primary. Although Scott was charged with a felony, the Mayor has not called for his resignation or recommended his case to the Board of Ethics, nor has Scott offered to take a leave of absence until the matter is resolved. He is due in court on Wednesday, October 9.
While fixing traffic related tickets is not as egregious as accusations of falsifying voting records, each of these leaders in the City of Peekskill – Judge Johnson, Councilman Fernandez, Councilman Scott, Dr. Mauricio, and even Mayor McKenzie – has shown disregard for the norms that ensure a thriving, well-functioning, and respectful society.
By dismissing moving violation traffic tickets for friends and the politically connected, Judge Johnson effectively insulted the members of the Peekskill Police Department enforcing the laws of the city. When those meant to uphold the law instead flout it, their moral authority to govern is compromised.
Every person, including Councilman Fernandez and Dr. Mauricio, who asked Judge Johnson to dismiss a ticket, showed the same disrespect for those officers and the law. Each person who asked for such favor disrespected every other resident of Peekskill who faced accountability when they didn’t follow the law. What incentive is there for the rest of us to abide by the law if the city’s leaders abuse their positions of power for personal gain?
If the election fraud allegations against Councilman Scott are true, then he disrespected the public by transgressing against the most important power individuals have to effect change in our society – our vote. If Scott knowingly forged signatures on his ballot petitions, his unethical behavior is more egregious than seeking a personal favor from a public official. Scott would have effectively turned the election process into a rigged contest, with voters used as unwitting pawns in the illegal acts of a candidate.
In calling for Fernandez’s resignation and not Scott’s, Mayor McKenzie has displayed a double standard in due process, ultimately disrespecting city processes she vowed to uphold. The City code calls for ethical issues to be brought before the Board of Ethics, which, after conducting an impartial and apolitical investigation, recommends an action to the Common Council. Why should the Mayor ask Fernandez to resign before an ethics investigation is conducted, and why has the Mayor not been forthright with the public about whether the ethics board is investigating Scott?
By not following codified city policy, the Mayor is disrespecting the members of the Board of Ethics, who are diligent, unpaid volunteers ensuring city officials and employees adhere to Peekskill’s Code of Ethics. If the Mayor can ultimately decide who should and should not resign, why have an ethics board at all?
With their disregard for Peekskill’s residents, policies, and laws, these leaders have caused significant damage to our city’s reputation. The city is actively recruiting tourists, developers, and businesses to boost economic growth. Research has shown that political instability and crime, which also plagues Peekskill, decrease tourism. Will the cloud of corruption hanging over some of our elected officials squander the social and political capital recently gained?
City staff have worked diligently to secure funds to support Peekskill’s development including a $10 million state Downtown Revitalization grant and another $10 million Momentum Fund grant. Will city leaders cost Peekskill state and federal grants in the future? Will today’s waived parking ticket pave over Peekskill’s future paradise?
Currently Peekskill is a one party city – there is no political opposition to the Democrats to ensure accountability. Some city officials have taken this lack of opposition as carte blanche to act with impropriety and with impunity. With absolute control of political power in Peekskill over the past ten years, the city’s Democratic leadership has produced many positive results.
We are the second-fastest growing community in the Mid-Hudson region. New residents continue to make Peekskill their home, arriving as young professionals from New York City as well as families coming from Latin America to build a prosperous future here. With the momentum of millions of dollars of state grants, parts of the downtown are showing new signs of rebirth.
But with a voter registration of nearly 7,000 Democrats compared to 1,800 Republicans, and 3,000 non-partisan voters, there is no viable opposition anywhere on the horizon.
As the only source of independent news in Peekskill, we herald the following calls to action. Judge Johnson, Superintendent Mauricio, Councilmen Fernandez and Scott, and Mayor McKenzie should apologize to the residents of Peekskill. Citizens need to see increased transparency and proof of accountability, starting with an adherence to the law and existing city policy. Give the Ethics Commission a chance to do their investigation.
We also call on the Board of Education to conduct its own inquiry into Dr. Mauricio’s actions and impose the proper censure publicly. Though the superintendent is an excellent educator and has done much good for Peekskill schools, in this case he has failed to set the proper example to students who look to him as a civic role model.
The definition of character is what you do when you think no one is watching. Clearly, in Peekskill, we should have been watching our leaders much more closely.